Family Fun

Hi guys!
On this post, I will tell you activities that I do with my sisters and my parents. My text will be separated in four for the season.
During winter, we do a lot of funny thing. We skate just for fun and sometimes we play hockey. I am not very good but it is always funny to try. We also slide whit luge. My sister and I always do race to feel the speed. My favorite winter moment it is went we went to my chack. We are always outside during the little trip. We do racket in the forest. We play a game that have invented. We call him ``soccer glace ``. I will explain the rule. There is to two team and a ball but we play on the ice. That the reason why we said ``glace``. The goal it is the same of soccer. We need to but the ball on the net. You should try it because this is the beast winter game that I ever played. We also do ski-doo and snow racer.  We play game inside to. We plays cards, puzzle games, ping-pong, baby foot and many other things.  We put music very loud to sing and dance. It is very fun to be together without Wi-Fi, phone and all those technologies.
During spring, we does not do a lot of thing. The only fun thing that happen is my birthday. I always do a party with my friend and another one with all my family. The party with my friend is like a chilling. We talk, we listen some movies with some candy and we have a lot of fun. The party with my family is a bit different. If it is sunny outside, we went to the Littles Park near of my house and we play soccer. Some adult came with us (all the children). Each year someone got a ball in the face. It is like a tradition! J Then they gave me my present and we eat some cake.
School is over we got many time do go out and it is the beast time of the year. During summer I usually travel. I went to Florida (Walt Disney), to Hampton Beach and Ontario. We also do families activity like walk, biking, eat ice cream and normal thing. Last summer we went to Ontario to visit my uncle. We shopped and we went to a science museum. We listen science conference and we try those theories. It was a nice trip.
During fall, activities are limited because school have started so vacation are over. We came back to the little routine that we are always doing. We are waiting for Halloween! My family and I love to decorated the house and really be in de mood. We put pumpkin outside and other scary decoration. I also do a party whit a lot of candy. Most of the time we listen horror movies and scream during all the night.


  1. Seems like you're having a lot of fun all year long. I'm looking forward to your birthday party, it's alway really nice!


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